Swinging into Summer!

Y'ALL. As I am writing this, it is my first day of summer! Woo! 
I am officially a Junior at Baylor! How exciting. This last semester was a big one! Lots of balancing but you can always get through it!

What am I looking forward to??

1) Attempt (keyword: attempt) to catch up on some sleep! This past week was a rough one. I am a person that needs a good 8-12 hours of sleep a night. This past week, if I got 5 hours, I was doing real good! So these first few weeks of summer, sleep if my best friend!

2) I cannot wait for all my BFFs to get in town & we can lay by the pool and catch up! Even though we talk daily, during the school year you have NO time to have an actual conversation. I miss my people!!! (Shelby & Courtney.. COME ON!!!)

3) Food. Not cooked by me. Ha! I love coming home because that means I don't have to go to the grocery store & I'm not again, attempting, to cook a meal! Some turn out great.. Others. Ehh. 


Outfit Details:
Dress: Francescas. Shoes: Target. Earrings: Kendra Scott. 
Necklace: Everlasting Joy. Sunnies: Nordstrom. Watch: Michael Kors

Everlasting Joy: Get 10% off with code EJ+CATHERINE. 
Free Shopping code EJLOVE. 

Happy Monday & Happy Summer to those enjoying it with me!

Baylor Girl In Pearls

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